PETA-approved VEGAN
This accessory is made with the incredibly durable and high-quality recycled nylon from ghost nets. A ghost net is a fishing net that has been lost or abandoned at sea. Such nets continue to trap everything in their path, presenting a major problem for the health of our oceans and marine life.
Ghost nets not only catch fish; they also entangle sea turtles, dolphins and porpoises, birds, sharks, seals and more. These creatures swim into nets, often unable to detect them by sight or sonar. The nets then prevent them from moving freely, cause injuries, and stop
mammals and birds rising to the surface for air.
Since hundreds of animals can be caught in a single net, it is clear that this threat is huge. Ghost nets harm coral reefs too, breaking corals, exposing them to disease and even blocking the reefs from the sunlight they need.
Alternatively, they can be recycled to create this amazing recycled nylon, which arrives with you in the form of this conscious, lifesaving and stylish backpack/bag.
This versatile and light bag, with its essential design, goes perfectly with any outfit and can be worn either on the shoulder or along the hip thanks to its removable shoulder strap. Diana is the ideal companion for everyday life.
Retails at $150- we are offering them for a $75 donation!!!
Free shipping!
If you would like to pay via Venmo we are @VincentsPlace - and be sure to let us know which version of the ornament you would like to purchase! (Please add $5 for shipping).
We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Donations are tax deductible.
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Goat Kisses!
We pride ourselves on transparency!
We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Donations are tax deductible.
EIN: 85-1171626
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